About Wiltshire Design

There has been a lot of work behind Wiltshire Design.

The original idea for the website started when I was working on my first project out of architecture school under an experienced architect. We were designing a large elementary school (60,000 square feet), primarily block construction. When I joined we were just getting into construction documents, and my job was to draft all the wall sections.

Let me tell you, that was a steep learning curve.

Going straight from architecture school, and one that does not emphasize the ‘construction’ side of architecture, to detailing block walls for a real project – that was quite the boot camp.

My experiments with 3D rendering today

And the whole time I was thinking, I wish there was somewhere online that acted as a repository for construction details. Just a simple, this is what this wall type looks like. Or this is what a typical header detail for this construction type looks like, this is what a sill detail typically looks like here.

Don’t get me wrong, there is a ton of information online. But I kept thinking it was lacking two things. First, it wasn’t all in one place. I had to search everywhere for all the information I needed. And secondly, it wasn’t concise, easy to read images, that still give you all the information that you need.

So I starting thinking . . .

My expertise in architecture has been creating 3D models, and photo-realistic renderings. What if I took these skills and applied it to easy to read construction details? For each construction type I work on, I could just model a typical wall section, with headers, sills, foundations, etc. And ‘peel’ the building away to get a really clear idea of what’s going on.

And so this is our goal here, at Wiltshire Design

To craft and cultivate a repository of information for designers of the built environment that is rich in information, beautiful to use, and provides real tangible value in the field of architecture.